Welcome to Still Waters Counseling.


"I wonder what sort of tale we've fallen into?"

J.R.R. Tolkien, Lord of The Rings

Have you ever asked yourself that question? Well, if you have, you’re not alone. Many of us struggle to find our place in life. And life just has a way of throwing a variety of obstacles, challenges and pitfalls into our path that can often disrupt our journey through life and lead to a sense of internal unraveling. Life isn’t turning out the way we thought it would. Relationships are a struggle. Meaning and purpose seem elusive. But deep down, there always remains a longing . . . even if it’s a whisper . . . for connection, for peace, joy and fulfillment. A desire to live life well.

And that’s why we’re here.

Still Waters Counseling & Equipping Ministries, P. C. is a safe place where individuals, couples, and families who are struggling with the chaos and challenges that life often brings can find a renewed sense of hope and healing that empowers and equips them, making the next steps of their journey not just bearable, but hopeful.


Tim Jackson

Founder & President

Tim is a Michigan Licensed Professional Counselor who has been in practice since 1987

He holds a Th.M. degree in New Testament Studies and a M.A. in Biblical Counseling from Grace Theological Seminary as well as a B.S. in Bible from Lancaster Bible College.

Tim spent 29 years as the Director of Counseling for Our Daily Bread Ministries (formerly RBC Ministries) where he wrote materials, directed a video based counseling website, hosted webinars and traveled and spoke for the ministry on a variety of topics regarding marriage, family, and the intersection of theology and real life struggles.

Tim is an avid outdoorsman who loves getting out on a river with a fly rod, sitting in a duck blind or treestand. He lives in West Michigan and is married to the love of his life for over 40 years and has 3 adult children and one amazing granddaughter.